Style steal Sunday’s – ME….

Okay this post isn’t as pretentious as the title may suggest….promise πŸ™„πŸ™Š But basically I loved my little silk blue playsuit I wore out for my besties birthday last night so much I wanted to share with you gals as it is a STEAL! So the title makes sense now, doesn’t it? 😏 I pickedContinue reading “Style steal Sunday’s – ME….”

Style steal Sunday’s – Haliey Baldwin πŸ’πŸ»

Haliey Baldwin is one of them born already famous sorta gals, but recently she has became more and more in the spotlight.  Having pals like Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner would help get any of us more noticed to be fair. All that aside she is a total babe and has an amazing sense ofContinue reading “Style steal Sunday’s – Haliey Baldwin πŸ’πŸ»”