Living in lockdown – how are we really getting on?!

Well gals, here we are.

Week 67 of lockdown?

I have honestly lost count of the time, days and weeks at the minute. Every day is Groundhog Day.

How are you getting on?

I think we have all been asked this question / asked this question to someone recently lol but does anyone really know the answer? Truth is there is no right or wrong way to feel in this situation because nobody has ever done it before. We are living in literal history. This will be a GCSE question in 20 years time folks 🤣.

I have been back home with my family for just over 6 weeks now, I was home for a ten day break before this really kicked off and low and behold I never got back to London. I don’t think we ever expected it to get this bad. For me ( and this sounds stupid I know) i just thought the rest of the world would go through it and we would skip on by somehow. Now we are all adjusting to the new ‘normal’.

Now more than ever, we are on our phones constantly, social media flat out refreshing looking at what everyone is doing and sharing what we are doing. I am grateful for this as I have a bit of a platform to distract myself with and throw my attention at. At the same time it can be the source of anxiety and stress. I only have a fraction of clothes with me; which is whatever I know because we aren’t going anywhere! But for me it’s the creative distraction I’m craving while I can’t work. Things like this can lead to constant comparison. Same with seeing people being more organised, doing more workouts, more baking more anything really. I am a very organised and routine driven person normally, so for me I need to write lists and plan things in my head to keep me going. Saying all this, I have had days where I have barley brushed my hair or got off the sofa mind you – but these days are gonna happen. While we all go through this new way of life what we need to remember is we can only do what feels right for us and our bodies. Some days we can take what everyone else is doing as motivation or we can say well fair play to them but I’m going to eat 5 Easter eggs today not run a 5k.

I can’t say I’ve learnt any new life skills so far but what advice I can give is to talk, be present and be kind. Keep in contact with everyone more now than ever, send a random message to someone you maybe haven’t seen in a while. Talk to your friends about how you’re feeling: even if it is to say you feel shit that day. Love everyone harder after this, hug everyone tighter and don’t ever say no to a night out again 😛

Stay safe everyone, see you on the other side of this.

Speak soon,

Lotsa love

AG xxo

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