Friday favs #5 – leather jackets ✌🏻️

Today I invested in a brand new leather jacket; as I am prancing around my house in it like a queen I thought I would use this weeks fridayfavs to pick some leather jackets for you gals. A leather jacket is such a timeless piece, it can be added to more or less any outfit andContinue reading “Friday favs #5 – leather jackets ✌🏻️”

Friday favs #4 – leopard print 🐯

Cat slater, tacky or common is probably the first three things you think of when you hear leopard print. For some people these may still ring true but it is such a big trend right now it can be so amazing worn in the right way.  For this weeks fridayfavs I have picked five amazingContinue reading “Friday favs #4 – leopard print 🐯”